Friday, April 27, 2007

The 10 Mistakes Women Make With Men That Prevent Them From Finding Mr. Right...

Mistake #1) Betting Your Love-Life On His "Potential"
Mistake #2) Assuming You "Get" Men & Their Psychology
Mistake #3) Pretending To Be Something For A Man

Mistake #4) Sharing How You "Feel" Too Early With Him
Mistake #5) Misreading The Important "Signals" That Men Send
Mistake #6) Relying On Your Natural Ability To Judge A Man's Character
Mistake #7) Expecting A Relationship To Make You Happy
Mistake #8) Trying To "Convince" Him To Like You Or Love You
Mistake #9) Not Knowing What To Do In Each Type Of Situation
Mistake #10) Not Getting Help

whoaa so all those silly love songs are telling women all the wrong expectations
song of the day - tea for two -jazz version
Just tea for two and two for tea
Just me for you, and you for me alone

pssst next post would be MEN FATAL mistakes from finding Ms.Right

Thursday, April 26, 2007


now i've come to a hard cold realisation..
is anyone reading or even clicking this BLOG?


raving lunatic on the loose...on crack

Sinful delicacies of one weekend! cuppa cappucino & choc pavlova cakie

The 3 Deadly Mistakes Women Make With Men Without EVER Realizing It...

Mistake #1: Leading A Man To Think You Are "Needy" And "Insecure"
Talking or saying nasty things about your past boyfriends.
Speaking negatively about other women.
Too much physical contact, especially in public.
The next 3 are far deadlier, but less obvious... and it's important that you learn what they are and how to avoid giving them off.

Mistake #2: Appealing To His "Sexual" Side Instead Of His Emotional Side
Many women make the mistake of thinking that men are primarily driven by sex alone... and think if they can attract a man SEXUALLY they will be able to attract him EMOTIONALLY as well.
Men are out for far more than just sex... and a woman who knows how to fulfill a man EMOTIONALLY and SEXUALLY will be the woman who captures a man's heart... and gets that same fulfillment for HERSELF.
Mistake #3: Not Knowing How To Size Up A Man's "Relationship Potential"
A lot of women will decide whether or not they should put energy into building a relationship with a man based on ATTRACTION.
Yes, attraction is important. But it can also be DANGEROUS.
When we feel a strong sense of attraction for someone, it can cause us to override our logic and ignore our instincts... leading us to overlook potential partner's deadly faults that could spell trouble down the road.
If you've ever found yourself stuck in a relationship that is dragging you down, this is probably why.
It's important to be able to size a guy up and spot any "warning signs" of a future bad relationship FAST... so you don't waste any of your time or emotional energy on someone who isn't right for you... or who will leave you heartbroken

got this via the ads by Google display in my blog- relationship choice
so feel free to click on the ads!! great info

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

sparkle and dance

sparkle with me...
bedazzle for me...
oh street lamps, be there during the dark times and shine beautifully

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Prehistoric shark - fact

The "Frilled Shark" is hardly ever seen because its habit is 600 metres or more below the ocean surface.
This species of prehistoric shark was filmed this week by marine park staff in Japan.
Truly a living fossil, she was in poor condition when park staff moved her to a seawater pool for observation, and died just hours later.
The live action of the frilled shark can be watched at the following link:

Monday, April 23, 2007

shot of the day-twilight emanates serenity

picture perfect of the day..

taken after an evening downpour whereby dusk is engulfing the view.

this is also known as the twilight time.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Can Men and Women be "Just Friends"?

More lore about dating has passed from woman to woman and man to man than probably any other human endeavor, all in an attempt to help one sex figure out what the other is thinking or likely to do.

Now and Tango magazine have teamed to sort out some dating fictions from facts. From wanting to date the reincarnation of your parents to being friends with an ex, Tango magazine and researched a variety of dating conceptions singles hold near and dear. Yahoo! Personals also asked its members to chime in. Here's what we've found:

1. Men and women can be "just friends"

Marnie Hanel of Tango magazine says, "Sure, men and women can be friends -- as long as the dynamic falls into one of four categories: 1) the friends explore their, ahem, benefits -- and realize that they like each other better with their clothes on; 2) one of the parties is gay; 3) there are significant others involved and romantic -- and sexual -- needs are taken care of at home; 4) you’re just not that into each other -- in that way."

Jordan Burchette of agrees, "as long as they're from your kindergarten class, an ex, or are gay. It also helps if they're 'majorly unattracted' to each other. Tall order? Umm, yes," he says, "but we’re convinced that if they don’t fit in one of those categories, they’ll be double dipping their chip in no time."

The Yahoo! Personals poll found this to be the most popular dating myth -- 22 percent of participants chose it over seven other myths.

2. Men don't express feelings in front of their friends

"Men are people too," says Tango's Hanel, "so while they may not outline every dirty detail of their emotions, they will dish -- in their own way -- with their close guy friends." She says there may be no tears, Cosmopolitans, or Ben and Jerry’s, but a couple of beers, a game of pool, or a good quarter of football can have an equally soothing effect on a distraught dude.

"With rare exceptions,"'s Burchette says, "we fully believe men make a conscience decision to not express their feelings in front of their friends." Some men, he says, especially those from the Midwest, pride themselves on never having cried in front of anyone -- ever. Do women like these cyborgs? To tell the truth, Burchette says, we don't think they mind it. "It's better not to cry then have to break out a box of lotioned Kleenex, so watch out sissy boy!"

3. Women take longer to get ready than men

Tango's Hanel says, "Of course we do. If you had 35 pairs of shoes and 17 varieties of lip liner to choose from, you’d be tardy too. Although living in a post-metrosexual world has given us men who moisturize regularly, spend $100 on a haircut and who can be found gazing in the mirror at five minutes past their dinner reservation."

Burchette of disagrees, "Even though women take forever to get ready (they have way more area per square inch to shave), men are the ones who are always late. Does this ring a bell? 'Honey, I'm finnne. It'll take me five minutes to get ready -- promise.' Never happens. Whether we’re busy manscaping our facial hair or trying to find a special shirt she loves is we’re always running a little behind."

Among Yahoo! Personals poll takers, 16 percent chose this as their favorite myth.

4. Men/women can be friends with their ex

Tango's Hanel says that for both men and women, it's a classic case of dumper vs. dumpee. "Those who initiate breakups are decidedly more enthusiastic about inviting their exes over for dinner parties and meeting up for picnics in the park," she says. "The ones who are rejected are left with bruised egos, old love letters, and mutilated photos (why does it feel so good to cut his head out of every shot from your Puerto Rican vacation?)."

"Maintaining a friendship with the ex is easier than it sounds," says Burchette of, "especially if you're the one who did the dumping. After all, you broke up with them for a reason, right? And if it was because they're bad in bed, then you might have the bestest friend ever made! If you got a K-fed-style text message, kicking your butt to the curb, then being buds probably isn’t in the foreseeable future."

The Yahoo! Personals poll had 13 percent who picked this as their favorite myth.

5. Women forgive, not forget; men forget, not forgive

"We have two words for you: Lorena Bobbit," says Tango's Hanel. "Make no mistake: women neither forgive nor forget. Men, on the other hand, will often let bygones be bygones -- especially if they’re offered payback of the intimate variety."

Burchette of says, "Men's inability to remember birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or grudges has yet to be scientifically proven, but trust us, it's a very real and scary disease. That said we are prone to still being angry five months later, though we have no recollection of why we’re so mad in the first place."

The Yahoo! Personals poll had 13 percent who picked this as their favorite myth.

Want to check out more dating myths? See the reports at and

Sunday, April 15, 2007

macro shot: MontBlanc wrapper texture

f31fd macro shots....
This is a wrapper paper texture